Sunny 16 is not required you must follow! Right from "Sunny" to let you know that in any case, use this rule. Sunny16 quite useful content when past users of your film that you. And now Digital, to your own card
the stretch just taken = P, then P parameters see the thumbnail after shooting, reflection, and then to Av, Aperture controls to capture;)
In re the pen I have explain is boudoir photography this rule not because I worked out and there are some you don't mess with this rule!
What this rule does not only apply to meet Sunny day that applies to all cases. It was chosen because it's a Sunny16 font in many cases. Otherwise known as the Sunny 16 rule that called the rule 8 Overcast will make again of blameless antecedents is that this rule only applies to Sun blind (overcast).

I paste what Wikipedia says about this rule. If anyone has questions or conversion table then please consult with Wikipedia or the internet:
The basic rule is, "On a sunny day set aperture to f/16 and shutter speed to the [reciprocal linking of the] ISO film speed [or ISO setting] for a subject in direct sunlight."[1] For example:

On a sunny day and with ISO 100 film/setting in the camera, one sets the aperture to f/16 and the shutter speed to 1/100 or 1/125 second (on some cameras 1/125 second is the available setting nearest to 1/100 second).
On a sunny day with ISO 200 film/setting and aperture at f/16, set shutter speed to 1/200 or 1/250.
On a sunny day with ISO 400 film/setting and aperture at f/16, set shutter speed to 1/400 or 1/500.

As with other light readings, shutter speed can be changed as long as the f-number is altered to compensate, e.g. 1/250 second at f/11 gives equivalent exposure to 1/125 second at f/16.
An elaborated form of the Sunny 16 rule is to set shutter speed nearest to the reciprocal of the ISO film speed/setting and f-number according to this table: [2] [3]
Aperture Lighting Conditions Shadow Detail
f/22 Snow/Sand Dark with sharp edges
f/16 Sunny Distinct
f/1 Slight Overcast Soft around edges
f/8 Overcast Barely visible
f/5.6 Heavy Overcast No shadows
f/4 Open Shade/Sunset No shadows

So for the best summarized in a general rule, the answer becomes equally immense and concise question.
You ah!There is no photography rule to every case should have no specific numbers, you can control it with the detailed understanding of the structure, parameters and personal experience.The era film was almost over, now the majority spend the number should you try, wrong deletion and then taken back and lessons beginner slopes! You ah!There is no photography rule to every case should have no specific numbers, you can control it with the detailed understanding of the structure, parameters and personal experience.The era film was almost over, now the majority spend the number should you try, wrong deletion and then taken back and experience for yourself!
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